Finding Financial Security in Times of Turbulent Trials and Tribulations


Although it rings true like church bells on the first day of spring and shoots straight like an arrow from a hunter’s long bow that the love for money can drive people to desperate measures that compromise their dignity and core beliefs, people still need to slave away in the workplace and work hard each and every day if they want to gain any ground in their respective careers. This goes especially true for dutiful parents and responsible breadwinners who are sick and tired of struggling to make ends meet thanks to all the financial obligations that they must juggle because all they want to do is provide a nice and comfortable life as well as build a secure future for their family especially their young children who rely on their every move. And that is why they wake up every morning with renewed purpose, grim determination and firm resolve to seize the day and overcome all of the challenges and obstacles that are hindering them from reaching their end goals and biggest dreams in life.

With that said, it is important for people to reward themselves every time they receive their precious and highly-anticipated pay checks to avoid burning out and feeling that they are going nowhere fast because they also need a big break and some form of reward every now and then that will motivate them to push forward even when they hit rough patches in their life. But before splurging on shopping sprees as they buy technological gadgets, the latest threads out in the market today and expensive jewellery that make them shine bright like a diamond, they need to make sure that they have enough cold cash in their pockets to deal with the current mortgage refinance rates that can bleed them dry if they do not handle their finances really well. After all, there is no sense in having a lot of luxurious items from shopping malls if they are homeless by the end of the month because they are not practical, discerning and wise with their expenditures.

With that said, aside from doing their research about current mortgage rates in Singapore so that they can balance their books properly and avoid hitting a financial stonewall that can send them crashing towards bankruptcy, there are a lot of ways for people to enjoy monetary security and avoid cash problems as much as possible. First of all, instead of eating out in fast food joints and fancy first-class restaurants that charge an exorbitant fee for the meals that they serve, people should learn how to shop in markets and groceries so that they can cook their own food in the kitchen.

After paying their bills and settling their current mortgage interest rates on the first day of the month, they need to set aside a lion’s share of their earnings on their savings bank account so that they can slowly but surely build a nice nest egg for the future. They can also start living a minimalist lifestyle with only the bare necessities needed to survive instead of falling prey to impulse buying every payday. Last but not the least, they can also start a small business of their own if they can spare some cash because this will help them earn a little extra on the side that will certainly help them in the future for sure.